Thursday 31 October 2013

Binary Opersites

Exercise 9


Inferior, Savage Barbaric, heathen, Backwards, Static, Prehistoric, Negative, Bad, Ugly, Wrong, Dark continent, Margin, Prerational, Nature, Overdevelop


Superior, Civilized, Christian, Progressive, Modern, Original, Positive, Good, Beautiful, Right, Enlightened, Center, Rational, Culture, Evolved.


  1. Is this a joke? Europe can only claim superiority on the basis of technological advancement. So basically all technocrats believe that Europe is superior
    ...Enter fascism, which you conveniently don't mention. Enter the creation of the atom bomb and the means and motivation to kill everything good ever created. You conveniently didn't mention that either. But I guess it's Africa that's overdeveloped, backward and static.

  2. Why, because they don't have high speed internet and gluten-free ice-cream? They are less modernized but at least Africa isn't in decline.
